Marketing Your Business A Challenge?

Marketing Challenges:
Time / Resource
Budget / Cash Flow
Marketing Content / Consistency
You’re busy running your business and your team, even though you know you need to take action when it comes to your marketing, there’s little time to focus on changes you’d like to implement or even brainstorm ideas with your team. Time runs away with you and before you know it another month’s gone by and that ‘marketing your business’ task is still hanging over you…sound familiar?
We’ve been in business for 20 years and resources, time, budget and cash flow really are the key factors when it comes to growth and success in business.
Some of our daily business challenges;
“Ensuring everyone is working to the full benefit of the company, all are in-tune with one another to the benefit of our clients. Managing internal and external expectations, ensuring the company moves forward in an ever-changing business environment.” Ade Prosser
“Time management. More so recently it seems like all the largest/most time-consuming jobs come in at the same time and are all needed back asap.” Dan Prosser
“You’re only as good as your last project, a saying that haunts me, my challenge is to inspire and drive my team to be more creative, more accurate, more flexible so we provide our clients with our best work every time, ensuring value and a better ROI for them.” Steve Riley
Sometimes you just have to lay your cards on the table. If you want to do more with your marketing budget and want better results but you really don’t have the time, to do it yourself or your team is working to capacity, then it’s time to look for a partner who can help.
Ideally, a creative agency that in time you come to trust, value and they will become an extension of your team.
No easy task! Finding the right agency takes time, whether it’s through a referral or an online search, you’ll still be doing your research to find the right company you want to work with.
So, we’ve tried to make it as simple as possible with our creative bundles, there are four different approaches subject to requirements. These bundles are a great way to see the level of help we could offer you.
And, we’ll work with you to maximise your budget to achieve the results you want, you choose if you’d like to pay on an ad hoc project by project basis or flexible payment plan spreading the costs of the project over a mutually agreed period of time), we work with clients that do both.
I hope this article gives you an insight into how we could provide the help you want:
• We have the time and resource to manage your marketing
• We can work with your budget and offer flexible payment plans
• We’re creatives who will ensure your marketing content is consistent and executed well
• We want you to succeed, we take pride in the work we do and the results we achieve as a team on projects.
Sound Interesting? If you want to know more call today on 01422 254312 or contact Natalie, Client Ambassador on nat@fivetalents.co.uk