Check your progress
Why is it important to check the progress of your creative design & marketing?
You probably have some idea how successful your overall creative design and marketing is and have performance indicators which can give you a baseline of your progress.
You’ve invested your time, resources and money into marketing, so it’s important you understand exactly how successful each piece of creative activity is/was for you and your business.
Why? Because, “if design isn’t profitable, then it’s art” [Henrik Fiskar]
Do the results from your marketing activity align with your business plan? Check your analytics and insights. Stay focused on the outcomes you want to achieve. It’s easy to get side tracked by others, so do what is right for your business.
Your content needs to consistently standout and be interesting, think “so what”;
- What is your content saying?
- Is it interesting?
- What does it do to inform/benefit your customers?
- What do you want the customer to do after engaging with your content?
- What outcomes do you want to achieve from a piece of marketing collateral?
- Does it standout in a crowded market place?
- Is it doing its job? Raising awareness? Informing customers? Adding value? Driving enquiries and ultimately sales?
You must be flexible with your marketing plan. Circumstances may change and events do happen, so you will have to tweak your plan accordingly. Being relevant and flexible can help improve your everyday activities, as well as your on and offline results.
Your employees are your brand ambassadors, so how does your plan measure up internally? Listen to your team; speak to people in your business, check how your creative and marketing approach/activity supports their role, affects their results and helps drive in bound enquiries and sales.
When was the last time your creative and marketing had a health check?
Could you benefit from our FREE no obligation creative health check offer?
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