4 Myths About Creative Design Agencies

Here’s a few myths we can bust!
1. Working In A Creative Design Agency Is Easy
Perception is very different to the reality. Yes, we love what we do, and we might make it look easy but don’t be fooled. Working in design is just like any other job. You must have passion, expertise, knowledge, drive, commitment and not forgetting thick skin (you must be able to take critique of your work daily from clients, your peers and colleagues).
2. Creative Agencies Are Not Process Driven
Yes, we are good at what we do but to deliver great projects there is a process before the big idea! The creative team need; a budget, a detailed brief, research, brainstorm and a plan. Not forgetting follow-up; after a project is delivered we evaluate its success.
3. Creative Agencies Always Over Estimate a Job
We are often asked for a quote but it’s not that simple. Business is business and we all have budgets to work to. To be able to provide a considered estimate, we will ask for a no obligation chat, to understand your goals and objectives, at this point we will ask for an idea of budget. So, we have a better understanding of the scale and value of the project to your business. Knowing what budget we have to work with ensures we come back with proposals and suggestions that align with your business and meet your requirements.
4. Once a Project Is Complete It’s Not Given a Second Thought
Creatives are very proud of their work and always want to hear how a project is received and what ROI a piece of work has achieved for your business. Whilst you might not always be able share specific business information, it’s good to give an overview and feedback your results to the creative team.